Leading role of European car industry must be preserved
2020. 10. 21.
The European Parliament (EP) held a debate on digital services and artificial intelligence on Monday afternoon. Andor Deli Fidesz MEP, as the draftsperson of the EP’s Transport and Tourism Committee (TRAN), has spoken about the role of intellectual property rights in the development of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies.
,,As the draftsperson for TRAN committee’s opinion, I can say that the role of artificial intelligence in transport and tourism sectors will be crucial. Traffic safety and security in all transport modes, automated driving, navigation, car manufacturing and hostility sector need access not only to big data, but also to standard-essential patents and other intellectual property under equal and predictable conditions throughout the EU internal market,” told the Hungarian politician.
Deli urged the European Commission to enact a new legal framework as soon as possible in order to preserve the leading role of European car manufacturing industry. ,,It became obvious that the EU’s intellectual property protection strategies are not appropriate for artificial intelligence developments. We must therefore develop flexible copyright, patent, trademark and design protection or even trade secret rules that will accommodate the new aspects of AI. There is no time to waste, we need a framework that encourages innovation based on AI and preserves Europe’s pole position in car manufacturing,” added Deli.