Hungary has taken the lead in the use of EU funds
2021. 11. 28.
The European Court of Auditors presented its 2020 annual report to the European Parliament’s plenary, the report notes that Hungary’s performance in the 2014-2020 financial period was outstanding. “By the end of 2020, Hungary had used nearly 15 and a half billion euros from the European Structural and Investment Funds, with which it achieved the best result among the Visegrad countries pro capita, and it ranks fourth behind the three Baltic states in the EU”, Fidesz MEP Ádám Kósa.
According to the Court of Auditors’ report, several Member States are struggling to absorb the EU funds, which could cause them serious losses towards the end of the seven-year financial period. MEP Ádám Kósa emphasized: “Due to the hard work of the Hungarian government, there is no chance of losing funds in the case of Hungary”. He added: “According to the European Commission’s Single Market Scoreboard on public procurement, Hungary is ranked in the mid-range, along with Member States such as Germany, Ireland and the Benelux countries”.
MEP Tamás Deutsch has already stated in connection with the presentation of the report to the Budgetary Control Committee: “Thanks to the Hungarian government’s zero tolerance on corruption and the implementation of the enhanced public procurement rules in 2011, the regularity and efficiency of the use of funds in Hungary has been continuously improving since 2010, and this is also reflected in the audit report of the European Court of Auditors”.