2023. 11. 08.
The European Parliament’s Committees on Budgets and Budgetary Control held another joint meeting today to discuss the ongoing budgetary conditionality procedure against Hungary, with Commissioners Johannes Hahn and Nicolas Schmit. The Fidesz Delegation in the European Parliament believes that the European left and the Hungarian dollar left have one goal in mind with this funeral call every six months: to prevent Hungary from receiving any EU funds. Commissioner Nicolas Schmit of Luxembourg openly stated at the meeting: Hungary cannot receive EU funding because it does not allow migrants in and does not allow information about homosexuality and gender reassignment to reach children. The Fidesz Delegation in the European Parliament stands up for Hungary to protect children and stop illegal migration!
Fidesz MEP Andor Deli underlined that some may call this a “structured dialogue”, but what is really going on is institutional abuse: the left of the European Parliament wants to put political pressure on the European Commission due to a lack of power, adding that the left’s reaction is predictable: whenever there are news agency rumours about a possible agreement between the Commission and Hungary, these meetings are called immediately. The usual criticisms and accusations are repeated: nothing the Hungarian government does is enough, and the Commission imposes more and more conditions.
MEP Andor Deli stressed that Hungary’s achievements are undeniable and objectively verifiable and that the negotiations are moving forward. The Commission must not give in to the left-wing pressure from the EP, otherwise the whole procedure will become a farce. The most important thing is to avoid further politicization of the conditionality, but as the current institutional cycle is coming to an end and we are preparing for the EP elections, Hungary can only expect more political mud-slinging and pressure on the Commission.
Luxembourg Commissioner Nicolas Schmit said bluntly at the meeting: Hungary cannot receive EU funding because it does not allow migrants in and does not allow information about homosexuality and gender reassignment to reach children. The nail in the coffin is out of the bag again: the Commission’s real problem is still with the Hungarian child protection law and the stopping of illegal migrants. The Fidesz Delegation in the European Parliament is standing up for Hungary to protect children and stop illegal migration!