Fair burden-sharing, but not at the expense of competitiveness
2019. 12. 18.
Report by MEP Enikő Győri
Today the European Parliament adopted a
motion for a resolution on fair taxation in the digital and globalized economy.
Fidesz MEP Enikő Győri labeled it timely for digital companies to take their
fair share of the burden. She warned, however, that this could in no way
endanger the competitiveness of the EU.
In her plenary speech, MEP Enikő Győri pointed out: “It is unacceptable that
companies such as Google, Facebook or Amazon are paying negligible taxes while
earning immense income. We are on the right track when it comes to the search
for an international solution to guarantee their taxation, in a broader context
than the EU. The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)
is an excellent platform for this”.
The OECD has put forward a two-pillar proposal, and we should fully support the
first one, which would grant more taxing rights to the state where corporate
clients are located, MEP Győri believes. On the other hand, she raised serious
concerns about the second proposal, which would introduce a minimum tax. “There
was no impact study whether such a measure would reduce our own competitiveness
and fatten tax havens”, she stressed.
“In addition, it is regrettable that the text includes that tax policy should
move towards majority voting and greater harmonization within the Union. This
would reduce the chances of fair competition within the EU and would result in
companies relocating in third countries. Jeopardizing the competitiveness is
against the EU’s, thus the Hungarian interest as well, so the Hungarian EPP
delegation did not support the motion for a resolution”, concluded her speech
MEP Enikő Győri