2024. 02. 12.
The European Parliament has discussed EU and India relations in its plenary session. Fidesz MEP Ernő Schaller-Baross, a member of the delegation for relations with India, explained that European foreign trade is facing serious challenges these days. We must realize that Europe’s interest is not in creating blocks and dissension in the world economy but in developing economic connections. The economic partners of the future are to be found in Asia. The development of trade relations is therefore beneficial not only for Hungary but also for the entire Central European region.
MEP Schaller-Baross emphasized that as a result of the trade policy based on connectivity, cooperation would open up in areas such as research, development, innovation, technology transfer, water management, culture, tourism, and the health and pharmaceutical industry.
“If, instead of recognizing interdependence, we tie the development of trade relations to ideological conditions, we subordinate and make the interests of Europe dependent on external conditions, even though it is above all other conditions,” concluded MEP Ernő Schaller-Baross.