PM Orbán to the EP: “Hungarians Talk Straight About Tough Things” 2015. 05. 22. Responding to yet another request by the left and liberal political groups in the European Parliament, this week’s plenary session featured a debate on the “Situation in Hungary.”
Greece, the Troika, and ‘Running Out of Other People’s Money’ 2015. 04. 24. The government of Greece managed to meet the deadline to make a 448 million euro payment on its IMF loan. Questions remain, however, about its ability to make future payments in the coming weeks and to secure more bailout funding. [Blog post by Dr. Ildikó Pelczné Gáll]
Hungary’s Tough Road to Economic Recovery 2015. 04. 17. Hungary is undergoing an economic recovery. [Blog post by Dr. Ildikó Pelczné Gáll]
Remembering Prime Minister József Antall 2015. 04. 15. At the beginning of April each year, Hungary remembers József Antall, who served as our nation’s prime minister from May 1990 until his death in December 1993. Born April 8, 1932, he was our first democratically elected prime minister after the defeat of communism, and we commemorated him this year with the unveiling of a bronze bust set in the wing of the European Parliament that bears his name. [Blog post by András Gyürk]
EU support for Middle East needed to prevent ‘new wave of immigration’ 2015. 03. 26. The EU needs to reach a consensus on the 'human catastrophe' being perpetuated by ISIS, writes György Hölvényi in the Parliament Magazine.
An Energy Union We Can Support 2015. 03. 12. When the subject turns to the idea of an Energy Union, a number of factors influence Hungary’s perspective. First of all, security of supply is a crucial issue for us. Approximately 80 percent of Hungarian households rely on natural gas for heating. That high rate of penetration is almost unmatched in all of Europe. At the same time, Hungary depends on Russia for 80 percent of the supply of that gas. The result is that Hungary has become one of the most exposed Member States of the European Union. [Blog post András Gyürk]
It’s Time to Strengthen the EU’s Cohesion Policy 2015. 03. 05. Structural Funds have contributed significantly to job creation, job market reintegration and social inclusion and proved exceptionally useful during the economic crisis. Now, with the Sixth Cohesion Report entitled "Investment for jobs and growth: promoting economic, social and territorial cohesion in the Union," there is a chance to strengthen and renew cohesion policy. [Blog post by MEP Tamás Deutsch]
European Citizens’ Initiative: a keystone of democracy at risk 2015. 02. 26. European Citizens' Initiative (ECI) is a keystone of participative democracy, but the shortfalls in its implementation and in its follow up, can waste its potential insisted Danuta Hübner and György Schöpflin during today's hearing on the European Citizens' Initiative. The meeting made it possible to look at these issues in depth and will formulate the ideas by which future developments will be guided.
No, Let’s Really Get Rid of Roaming Fees 2015. 02. 18. Roaming fees were on their way out in 2015. Now, it seems like some are trying to back out of the plan. Let’s not go back. Let’s get rid of the roaming fees as we promised our citizens. [Blog post by MEPs Dr. Ildikó Pelczné Gáll and András Gyürk]