Brussels keeps up the pressure regarding LGBTQ rights and migrants
2021. 09. 28.
A delegation from the European Parliament’s LIBE Committee will arrive to Budapest on Wednesday to exert increased pressure on Hungary. Brussels and the Left are in fact attacking Hungary because they intend to allow LGBTQ propaganda in Hungarian kindergartens and schools and let migrants settle in Hungary. Fidesz-KDNP is enforcing the will of the Hungarian people: We do not want aggressive sexual propaganda aimed at children, nor do we want migrants.
It is clear that since the adoption of the Child Protection Act, Brussels and the Soros network have stepped up their attacks on Hungary. They want Hungary to allow LGBTQ propagandists into kindergartens and schools. Hungarian left-wing MEPs in the European Parliament will also vote in favour of any measure to this end.
Our position remains unchanged: Children must be protected against aggressive LGBTQ propaganda, and the sexual education of children is the sole right of Hungarian parents. In the national consultation, 97 per cent of respondents agreed that it is right that there is a law limiting sexual propaganda aimed at children. In Europe, it is only Hungarian citizens who are able to share their opinion on the subject via a referendum.
With a delegation full of pro-migration and LGBTQ activists from the European left, it is inevitable that once again a political report full of lies on Hungary will be written. The whole visit and procedure are based on the Sargentini report, itself full of lies and which was adopted by the pro-immigration majority in the European Parliament after Hungary refused to allow migrants in.