2023. 09. 06.
The European Parliament held a hearing of the Commissionner-designate for innovation, research, culture, education and youth, Iliana Ivanova in a joint meeting of CULT and ITRE committees. Andrea Bocskor, Fidesz MEP, was the only Hungarian MEP to had the opportunity to speak at the hearing. “I asked the Commissioner-nominee for an answer about the discriminatory procedure for Hungarian students, teachers and researchers, which the European Commission has taken with reference to the European Council Regulation on the exclusion of model-changing universities from the Erasmus+ and Horizon Europe programmes. I asked how you, as Commissioner, could help to resolve the situation and when an agreement could be expected”.
According to Fidesz MEP András Gyürk, the most urgent task of the Commissioner-nominee should be to resolve the Erasmus issue. “Discrimination against Hungarian students and researchers by Brussels is unacceptable. Urgent action is needed before Brussels bureaucrats destroy European academic cooperation”, he added.
“This discriminatory decision may exclude two-thirds of Hungarian universities and about 180,000 students from 2024, which will put students at a huge competitive disadvantage and will also cause a loss of prestige for outstanding Hungarian universities, and time is running out, so a solution is needed as soon as possible”, stressed MEP Andrea Bocskor. “In her reply, Commissioner-designate Iliana Ivanova deplored the fact that young people are being deprived of opportunities. She confirmed to us that she is aware of the ongoing dispute and wants to be part of the solution. The Commissioner-designate stressed that students should not be victims of political disputes and undertook to facilitate dialogue so that a solution can be found as soon as possible”, added MEP Andrea Bocskor.
According to MEP András Gyürk, the Commission has gone beyond all limits in Erasmus and Horizon Europe. “Restricting participation in university exchange programmes and academic cooperation on the basis of nationality has only been done in the darkest periods of history. But the Brussels bureaucrats have gone down this road – they want to discriminate against thousands of Hungarian students and are deliberately seeking to destroy the reputation of Hungarian universities. We expect Commissioner-designate Ivanova to immediately review this unacceptable decision and to fully restore the rights and opportunities of Hungarian students and researchers”, he said.