We stand by Ukraine: We condemn the escalation of the war
2022. 10. 06.
The plenary session of the European Parliament debated Russia’s escalation of the war against Ukraine. “We have strongly condemned and still condemn Russian aggression, the escalation of the war, the annexation of Ukrainian territory, the sham referenda, and all war crimes”, emphasised MEP Andrea Bocskor during the debate. At the same time, the European Parliament’s call to introduce immediate and comprehensive energy sanctions is unfair and dangerous for the European economy as a whole. This is why the Fidesz delegation to the European Parliament, fully condemning Russian aggression but not supporting energy sanctions in any form, will not participate in the vote on the proposal.
“We have stood by Ukraine from the beginning; we have been helping its citizens. During the largest humanitarian aid programme in its history, Hungary has already taken in more than a million war refugees from Ukraine. We support the territorial integrity of Ukraine; we do not accept Russia’s sham referenda! We are interested in the realisation of peace based on the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine as soon as possible”, MEP Andrea Bocskor emphasised. “However, it is unfair and unacceptable to link a strong and united political stance in favour of Ukraine and European solidarity with the Ukrainian people with the issue of immediate and full energy sanctions against Russia. The latter is a source of heated debate, and their introduction will impact Member States differently and divide the unity of the Union”, noted the Fidesz MEP.
MEP Kinga Gál, President of the Fidesz EP delegation, confirmed that “we condemn Russian aggression, the annexation of territories, as well as the perpetration of war crimes and the serial violation of international law!” At the same time, she reminded those present that comprehensive energy sanctions cause more serious economic damage to Member States than to Russia, the country they are meant to punish. “The European Parliament’s call for immediate energy sanctions lacks solidarity with countries like Hungary, for whom — regarding energy supply — this is a vital matter. The introduction of immediate, comprehensive energy sanctions is unacceptable”, underlined MEP Kinga Gál. “The EP’s proposal for a resolution links condemnation of aggression with immediate energy sanctions, which is unfair given the situation. Therefore, completely rejecting aggression and not supporting any form of energy sanctions, we will not participate in the vote on the proposal”, said MEP Kinga Gál.