Mr Swoboda should put his own house in order first
2012. 02. 23.
The Hungarian EPP Group Delegation reminds Hannes Swoboda, Chairman of the S&D Group on some facts: As a result of the irresponsible economic policy of the previous Socialist-Liberal Governments, the European Commission is running excessive deficit procedure against Hungary since 2004. During these Socialist-Liberal cabinets’ governance (2002-2010), Hungary's budget deficit hit record levels – It was 7,9% of GDP in 2005 and 9,3% of GDP in 2006 – which has lead to the enormous increase of Hungary's public debt from 53% of GDP in 2002 to above 80% of GDP in 2010. This failed economic policy of the Socialists and Liberals has led to the IMF rescue package for Hungary in 2008 and it is the main reason behind the country's current difficult economic situation.
Mr Viktor Orbán, in contrast to Mr Swoboda's Socialist comrades, is acting responsibly and via his measures he is making significant efforts to reduce Hungary's budget deficit and public debt. As a result of these efforts, the European Commission recognized that the country's budget deficit would be 2,8% of GDP this year, the 8th lowest within the EU. While the Socialists failed to reduce the country's deficit below 3% for 6 years, the EPP Government is achieving it. In the face of Hungary's current economic figures and the Socialists disastrous performance, the Hungarian EPP Group Delegation asks Mr Swoboda to refrain from giving economic advice to the Fidesz Government.
It is also regrettable that Mr Swoboda believes that his Group has the right to unfoundedly criticize and condemn the Hungarian Government on a daily basis but he does not like being criticized for these accusations at all. This is another example of the use of double standard by the Socialists.
Regarding the respect of European values we would again like to call Mr Swoboda's attention: His Group did not raise a single word about the state of Hungarian democracy in autumn 2006, when his Socialist fellows confessed that they were lying during the campaign to win the elections; when the trust of Hungarian people in the rule of law had really faltered; when opposition demonstrators were beaten by the police and when real violations of human rights were committed. Mr Swoboda's concerns are not credible, therefore we ask him to put his own house in order first before giving advice.