Extraordinary situations require extraordinary solutions
2022. 10. 18.
The European Parliament debated the Parliament’s proposal for the 2023 EU budget at its plenary session. Fidesz MEP Andor Deli emphasised that the budgetary and financial rules should be adapted to the current extraordinary situation and the bureaucratic and political conditions restricting EU payments should be fully suspended.
In his plenary speech, MEP Andor Deli said that Europe is in an extraordinary situation that requires extraordinary solutions. The year 2023 will be very difficult. The war between Russia and Ukraine is taking its toll on the economies of all Member States. Europe cannot remain strong and cannot provide effective support for Ukraine if its economies are weakened in the process.
There is an immediate need for firefighting; therefore, he proposed that in 2023 all Member States should have easier access to the EU funds they are entitled to. “The budgetary and financial rules need to be adapted to the current extraordinary situation, so the usual bureaucratic and political conditions should be completely suspended temporarily”, said MEP Andor Deli. He added that the European integration is a 70-year-old peace project; therefore, it is not surprising that the budgetary rules have until now not been familiar with the conditions of war. But that is over now. Europe’s economy needs a much faster and more efficient system of support than the current one.
Background: In its reading, the EP would increase the 2023 EU budget by €1.7 billion in commitments and €1.4 billion in payments appropriation compared to the European Commission’s original proposal. The original proposal of the European Commission: €185.5 billion in commitments, €166,2 billion in payments. The EP’s own reading: € 187.2 billion in commitments and nearly €167.6 billion in payments. Once the EP proposal has been adopted, negotiations with the Council will start, with the two institutions expected to adopt the 2023 EU budget in November.