2009. 11. 16.
Whilst being accountable to the European Parliament, the only European institution elected by direct universal suffrage, the Commission, guardian of the Treaties, must have sufficient authority to be able to defend the common interest to Member States.
Confirmed in 2009, for the third time running, as the primary political force in the European Parliament, with 265 Members, the EPP Group will uphold the priorities for which it was given a mandate during the upcoming hearings of European Commissioners.
In the name of the EPP Group, its Chairman, Joseph Daul, its Vice-Chairman in charge of Parliamentary Works, József Szájer, along with the entire Group Presidency, have refined with and communicated to President Barroso, even before publication of the candidates’ names, the political demands of their Group as concerns the College of Commissioners.
The demands are contained in a 5-chapter document on values, security, research and innovation, sustainable development and a social market economy, and international ambitions.
Furthermore, the EPP Group requires that candidate Commissioners have not been associated with oppressive regimes, nor participated in governments or political movements that are non-democratic or tainted by corruption.