European Elections 2014: let’s give voters a truly European choice
2013. 07. 04.
The Report, which will now be transferred to the Council of the European Union, invites European political parties to nominate their candidates for the Commission's Presidency well in advance of the elections in order to be able to mount a significant Europe-wide campaign. It calls on national political parties to ensure that the names of the candidates selected to stand for election to the European Parliament are made public at least six weeks before the polling starts and urges them to organise public debates among the different candidates for the Presidency. It also urges Member States and political parties to publish the names and, where appropriate, the emblems of the European political parties on the ballot papers. It also states that the European election results should not be published until after the polls close in those Member States whose electors are the last to vote on Sunday 25 May.
"It has become quite evident over the last few years that the European Union Institutions are much less familiar to the citizens of Europe than they should be. We should prevent this trend developing further and make Europe more tangible. During this process we should not ignore national situations or particular electoral traditions as this could have undesired effects", concluded Mr Schöpflin.