EU Employment Guidelines for 2013 adopted
2013. 02. 06.
"The EPP Group's priorities haven't changed in the last two years in this field: further support should be given to the development of SMEs, special emphasis should be placed on education and training. Also, due to the persistent employment and social crisis, combating poverty and unemployment, particularly youth unemployment, should be a top priority for all governments", emphasised Csaba Őry. "The European Commission'sYouth Guarantee Proposal can be a good solution to some extent, but the financial back-up of the instrument is still not clear for us. It must be clear for everybody. In order to reach our employment targets in the coming years, the funding of the cohesion policy must be maintained in the new Multiannual Financial Framework. Cohesion funds are significantly contributing to job creation and the integration of underdeveloped European regions. Cuts in this field would harm the European economy", highlighted Csaba Őry.
Ádám Kósa, Rapporteur of the dossier on the general regulation on the Structural Funds, said: "Europe is now facing an unprecedented crisis in terms of the shrinking number of active workers. A 1% annual rise in employment level is required to achieve the 75% employment level set in the EU2020 Strategy until 2020. In the meantime, 12 million jobs for undereducated people, people with disabilities in particular, will disappear. These people with disabilities, about 80 million people in Europe, have seven times less chance of getting a job in the labour market where the number of unemployed is now a staggering 26 million. It is therefore high time to reconsider the importance of the European Social Fund and its efficiency regarding the projects aimed at people with disabilities and youth unemployment", concluded Ádám Kósa MEP.