Illegal Immigration Must Be Stopped 2015. 02. 13. We need a frank debate on the issue as illegal immigration poses a problem today. Failing to confront the problem and postponing honest discussion of the possible solutions means that it will likely only get worse before it gets better. [Blog post by MEP Kinga Gál]
Raising Awareness of the Dire Humanitarian Crisis in Northern Iraq 2015. 02. 13. Last week, as part of an official delegation, I visited Erbil and Northern Iraq, communities overwhelmed with the humanitarian crisis brought on by the belligerent actions of the so-called Islamic State. [Blog post by György Hölvényi]
Commissioner Navracsics: Getting Rid of Lenin Statues at Home, Promoting Strong Coalitions in Brussels 2015. 02. 05. Hungary’s EU Commissioner, Tibor Navracsics, was the latest guest earlier this week at the popular event series called “Hungarian Wave.” Commissioner Navracsics, who is responsible for Education, Culture, Youth and Sport, talked before a packed house about his former role as a minister in the Hungarian government, discussed the challenges of his new portfolio, and shared insights into the ideological vision that has guided his career.
What is S&D Group President Pittella Trying to Say When He Congratulates Greece’s Syriza? 2015. 02. 05. S&D Group President Gianni Pittella was among the first to congratulate Syriza, the populist, new-left winner of Greece’s parliamentary elections earlier this week. The S&D Group, it seems, has some interesting friends.
Religious dialogue: accepting one another as a pledge for peace 2015. 01. 29. Following the recent terrorist attacks in Paris, Europe became united in deep mourning. Europeans felt threatened not only as individuals but also collectively, as a community - a very natural initial reaction to the tragedy.